
Strap your world to your wrist: 4 ways smartwatches help you stay on the pulse of life

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As the world around us keeps evolving our lives become more complex and it can become hard to strike a balance of focus, leisure, family, and 'you' time. Whether it’s spending too much time tethered to your desk or not enough time staying connected with loved ones – we all sometimes need a friendly reminder to switch our routine up and find a sweet harmony.

This is where the development of smartwatches come in as the ideal way to help us stay on top of and navigate the different areas of life with ease, grace, and style. HUAWEI is no stranger to producing top of the line smartwatches that allow you to sync all elements of your online and offline life to the convenience of your arm. The recently dropped HUAWEI Watch 3 series is their latest from their line of smartwatches that allows you to navigate your life seamlessly with a simple tap or shake of your wrist.

Here are four ways smartwatches help you stay on the pulse and on track with everything from work to play to rest and how the HUAWEI Watch 3 has them all on lock:

Chase adventure

If you struggle to find time to step out and stretch your limbs, smartwatches offer a friendly buzz to remind you to stand up, stretch, and move around. And, if you decide to go move around outdoors, your smartwatch can track your activity stats to help keep you motivated to get out more often. Many smartwatches come kitted out with a diverse range of workouts and exercises you’re able to track and monitor your progress on. From walking to swimming to skateboarding – you’re often able to track a range of different activities – allowing you to chase adventure and monitor your health and fitness improvement. The HUAWEI Watch 3 offers wearers 100+ workout modes to choose from, 19 of which are pro modes with 85 of them are customisable modes. The device also boasts automatic exercise detection abilities for the 6 most common types of workouts. All this data is easily tracked and synced to your HUAWEI Health app on your HUAWEI smartphone.

Stay on top of your schedule

The busier our lives get, the harder it can be to manage our schedules – especially with how quickly things can come up and change in our plans. Smartwatches allow you to sync your calendar and plans to from your smartphone to your wrist and lets you get gentle buzzing reminders of your upcoming appointment and plans. The HUAWEI 3 smartwatch interface allows you to have some of the essential apps you’d find on your HUAWEI smartphone – from the calendar, weather app, health app, and clock app – you’re able to access your plans and reminder alerts with ease.

Keep in touch

Smartwatches not only sync your fitness, health, and calendar data from your smartphone - but also allow you to access your contacts, accept or decline calls, and receive SMS notifications with the apps and features on deck. In fact, the HUAWEI Watch 3 features not only the phone and messages app on the device for you to make and accept calls and SMS’s with a simple tap, but also allows you to enable and make MeeTime video calls on your HUAWEI smartphone with ease. The HUAWEI Watch 3 also allows wearers to accept or decline calls using hand gestures – a clench and release of your fist will accept a call while turning your wrist to the side will mute it. Making staying in touch with loved ones that much more convenient and seamless.

Manage your stress and health

Smartwatches allow you to not only track your fitness and movement activity, but other underlying health levels we otherwise overlook. You’re able to track your heart rate, blood oxygen levels, as well as stress levels on most modern smartwatches – letting you know when you perhaps re-adjust your routine, take some time to reset or book a doctor’s consultation. The HUAWEI Watch 3 continues in the digital footsteps of its smartwatch predecessors from the brand by offering users the ability to track their SpO2 (blood oxygen levels), heart rate, stress levels, sleep quality, as well as body temperature throughout the day. In addition to this, wearers are also alerted and assisted if they’ve fallen. A fall triggers a response in the HUAWEI Watch 3 that allows wearers to make a quick and easy emergency call for assistance should they need it.

These are just some of the ways smartwatches place control over your life back in your hands with ease. Find out more information and get your hands on the premium HUAWEI Watch 3 now on the HUAWEI Store (Online) website or in-store with their exciting new deal available.

This post is sponsored by HUAWEI produced by BrandStudio24 for News24.

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