
Self-catering in a private reserve? These three Timbavati lodges offer the best of both worlds

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Eagle Owl offers a slick, homely environment in the heart of the Timbavati (Andrew Thompson)
Eagle Owl offers a slick, homely environment in the heart of the Timbavati (Andrew Thompson)

Most private game reserves angle towards all-inclusive packages. And for many of their mostly foreign clientele, this makes absolute sense.

But there’s still a lot to be said for the self-catering safari. Most South African safari-goers don’t experience the bush over tasting menus and fine wines. Instead, we opt for the nostalgic, no-frills fashion - braaing hand-picked meat over just-right coals, cracking open cold beers bought by the case or uncorking a favourite wine.

For many years, private safaris and self catering existed in isolated silos - you either invested in the lavish all-inclusive or you went all in on the picnic baskets, padkos, and self-drive.

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