
Zuma: We're tired of Roman-Dutch law

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Former president Jacob Zuma addresses umKhonto weSizwe members in Mamelodi, Tshwane. Photos by Raymond Morare
Former president Jacob Zuma addresses umKhonto weSizwe members in Mamelodi, Tshwane. Photos by Raymond Morare

FORMER president Jacob Zuma told MK party members that leaders don't care whether people are suffering, or not.

He was addressing members of the newly found party at the Solomon Mahlangu Square in Mamelodi West, Tshwane, on Thursday, 21 March, that MK party was not happy with the way the country was run.

Zuma said: "The current leadership doesn't respect the people. We're not yet free and liberated. We can't just sit and suffer. We've formed umKhonto weSizwe party."

Zuma went on to say that the current leadership of the country was destroying umKhonto weSizwe.

Former President Jacob Zuma addressing Umkhonto We
Jacob Zuma says the MK party will let kings have a say in government.
Former President Jacob Zuma addressing Umkhonto We
Jacob Zuma during an umKhonto weSizwe address in Mamelodi.

"We want to bring back kings to rule the country that was taken by the colonisers."

He said: "if you are a black person, you have to suffer".

Zuma supporters that there were no whites or Indians who don't have jobs. 

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"We want our kings to have a say when it comes to governing this country. We want our kings to rule through African laws. We're tired of Roman-Dutch law. We're neither Roman nor Dutch," he said.

Zuma added that there were few murders during the reign of the kings and that men didn't sleep with children. He said he doesn't want white people's laws, which is confusing.

He said umKhonto weSizwe party will win in the elections.

Former President Jacob Zuma addressing Umkhonto We
MK party members say they want to see change.
Former President Jacob Zuma addressing Umkhonto We
MK party want kings to have a say.
Former President Jacob Zuma addressing Umkhonto We
umKhonto weSizwe members came in numbers to listen to Zuma.
Former President Jacob Zuma addressing Umkhonto We
Mk party wants to bring system change.

"We'll govern. umKhonto weSizwe will listen to the people on how they want to be led," he said.

The former head of state said all children will go to school and none will stay at home. He said the government will take care of all children who don't have money to pay school fees.

He called upon people to contribute ideas and say how they wanted the country to be governed.

Shirley Brown, president of the MK Women's League, said: "The revolution needs us to lead it. We need to lead, protect and educate our children and give them direction."

Thamsanqa Kenke, MK's interim spokesperson, said: "Our people should have confidence in our party."

A resident, Engelinah Matloga (57), said: "We want water, electricity and money to pay for our children to go to school."

Another resident, Cynthia Motaung (32), said: "We want Zuma to bring about change because many youths are unemployed."

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